
  • Ode to a Massacre

    Gate of Heavenly Peace
    immaculate concrete tiles
    red stains ever expanding as
    blood flowed and bodies fell
               No blood no freedom for China
    For one hundred and twelve minutes the soldiers
    held their fire
    then they pulled their triggers
    and squeezed them tight for
    just a single minute
               A twelve year old girl
               they kicked and kicked until she died
               A girl - Morning Sun
               I am not afraid to die
    Twice the soldiers opened fire
    twice cargo cycles hauled away their bodies
               A four year old girl
               killed by a bullet as she held her mother's hand
    The third time the soldiers held their fire
               In the crowd a girl heard that
               her younger brother had been killed
               she lost her composure
               ran towards the soldiers
               attempts to stop her
    Troops opened fire
               Seven times she was shot
               even while she was crawling
    Were they sickened by shooting their countrymen
               An eighteen year old girl crushed by a tank
    Were they simply too tired after a night of horror
               He was choked to death by metal chains that
               soldiers had hidden in hats for crowd control
    A white helicopter
               Soldier hanged from a bus
               burned and castrated after killing four
    Orders passed
               They don't care how many people die
    Shots cracked
               How can they kill their own people
    Again line formed
               They set fire to corpses
               we hurried to try to collect bodies
               but students and medics alike
               we were beaten back
    Again soldiers shot
               There is no more time
               we can't let any more blood flow
               we must leave
    For three weeks and one day it was
    their patch of democracy
    and they wanted it back
    Proper response to counter-revolutionary violence
               Proper response to counter-revolutionary violence?
                         Proper response to counter-revolutionary violence?!?
    While bullets and tanks can kill individuals
    they cannot kill the spirit of protest
    or the struggle for freedom
    that is something they cannot do forever
  • Love Poems I – XVIII


    soft silken pressure
    lying against my body
    warm moist inviting


    delicate softness
    enveloping enclosing
    exquisite pleasure


    shining greenery
    flowers on the furniture
    bodies twined in front


    breathing slowing down
    exhausted bodies fulfilled
    pleasure’s aftermath


    release of tension
    sign of the pair’s union
    melding of being


    a chance meeting
    a glance a look
    eyes catching eyes
    communicating much with no words needed
    an exit
    a drive
    doors open and close
    lights are on
    though not too bright
    some music perhaps
    a drink
    they sit they talk
    hesitant at first
    still unsure
    although they are both there
    for the same reason
    then kisses 
    short soft
    followed by deeper more
    passionate kisses as they embrace each other
    hands touching each other’s bodies
    as they slowly sensually
    strip away clothing
    exploring and observing
    they move to a bed
    now fully unclothed
    hands and mouths caressing
    all over as they 
    give and receive pleasure
    with their bodies


    one night of pleasure
    creating by lack of care
    weeks of constant pain


    open hands spread out
    both arms fully extended
    pleading for some love


    do i want someone
    purely for my own gain
    my own comfort
    am i prepared
    to accept them
    for who they are
    and help realise their

    do i know what i want
    or is it
    some impossible
    mixture of qualities
    that i want at different times
    that can never
    exist purely
    in one person

    can i stop
    putting expectations
    on everyone i meet
    and just
    for who they are
    without reservations


    Eyes catching eyes
    Hands searching hands
    Lips touching lips

    Arm feeling arm
    Leg coiling leg
    Tongue circling tongue


    Is the satisfaction
              the ecstacy

    Worth the constant demands
              the exhaustion


    Two small rooms
         Gleaming metal
              Cold shiny surface

    Varied size
         Holes in the wall
              A voyeur’s delight

    Largest hole
         Used for nameless
              Faceless liaisons

    Through the walls
         Hands and mouths give
              Perverted pleasure



    Violent words
              Is it always a violent act



    Lash of the whip
    Striking again
    Holding leather
    Wearing nothing
    Red stripes appear
    Crossing the flesh
    The body writhes
    In agony
    Strapped to the bed
    Fully exposed
    And yet strangely
    Aroused erect
    The whip is dropped
    The body squirms
    Held in suspense
    Rigid hardness
    Enters between
    Flaming red cheeks
    Agonised screams
    Of pain and bliss
    As spurts of white
    Splash on the red
    Pain for pleasure


    soft melodic phrases
    arise from the instrument
    that is perfect in its smooth rounded curves
    the amazing juxtaposition of the
    complexity and simplicity of both the instrument
    and the beautiful music arising from it
    it is joined by another instrument
    in its search for a perfect expression
    of the things it is trying to convey
    an instrument that is hard and long without 
    as much softness in the shape of its body
    but precisely the correct instrument to be set
    against the first instrument
    different in many ways from it
    but totally and fully compatible
    as they grow accustomed to each other
    the playing becomes more intense
    and far more varied
    at times the tempo is very quick
    at times quite slow
    the mood of the music also varying
    finally arising to an intense unified climax
    before gradually subsiding to stillness


    if only tonight
    tomorrow will seem empty
    drained of all purpose


    The glowing embers of the fire
    Providing the only warmth in the cold empty house
    The fire and soft music the only signs of life
    In the house – empty except for one
    Alone again gazing into the fire
    Thinking of who
    Or how
    To help fill the house with warmth
    With hope
    With life


    Torn away
    Before there was anything to tear

    Split apart
    Before we were even together

    Why do I 
    Feel drained shattered lost alone unloved

    Why must it 
    Hurt so much to lose something that I

    Never had
    How can I forget when there is so 

    Little to 
    Remember why should I long for what 

    Never was
    And what will now not ever happen

  • I Heard You Call

    I heard you call my name
    I do not know where from
    Nor the reason for the call
    But I heard you all the same

    I heard you call to me
    I must be mistaken
    That you are no longer here
    I cannot refuse to see

    I heard you call once more
    In tones so soft and sweet
    Attracting my attention
    I try so hard to ignore

    I heard you call again
    Just like you used to do
    Forcing me to remember
    The way that it was back then

    I heard you call my name
    But since that day long past
    That you were lost forever
    It can never be the same

  • His Book

    She held his book so tightly in her hand
    As she entered into the world within
    The world bringing memories of her past
    Memories that she would rather forget

    She held his book so tightly in her hand
    Her eyes transfixed by the yellow pages
    Yellowed with age, a portion of her past
    A past to remember and to forget

    She held his book so tightly in her hand
    Lost, thinking of whatever ways she knew
    Ways to lose the memories of her past
    As she tried desperately to forget

    She held his book so tightly in her hand
    Her hand that was now so cold, pale, rigid
    Becoming like a statue of her past
    Cold, hard, stonelike, in order to forget

  • Haiku I – XXIV

    These are poems in the syllabic form of Haiku but otherwise they make no attempt to be authentic Haiku.


    haiku strong simple
    complete poem in three lines
    five seven and five


    cheeky wattle bird
    outside the grey brick building
    playing unconcerned


    red white blue and green
    yellow and orange and black
    oils on a canvas


    purple blue and grey
    thrown together without thought
    an artists’ nightmare


    blue sky above me
    below a concrete jungle
    blending or clashing


    mist rolling away
    normality returning
    replacing stupor


    rapt concentration
    the extraneous ignored
    the artist at work


    bubbling from beneath
    filtering slowly upwards
    churning the surface


    soaring high above
    going where the wind takes it
    free and unfettered


    Just a change of state
    or loss of vital essence


    night following day
    nightmares following daydreams
    death following life


    G’day ‘ow are ya?
    What ya doin’ tonight luv?
    Same to you ya bitch.


    Little black boxes
    lying in discarded piles
    waiting to be filled


    One energy filled
    One ready to fall asleep
    Aftermath of love


    Thousands of fine strands
    Woven together to make
    A thing of beauty


    The ticking of the clock
    Reminding me that I
    Live according to time


    Breaking the silence
    With painful intensity
    Eerie haunting cry


    Angels and devils
    Vampires spirits and wizards
    Mythic existence


    Precise dogmatic
    Highly opinionated
    Officious bastard


    Fitting together
    With absolute precision
    So compatible


    Logic emotion
    Existing together or
    Forever apart


    Flowers on the wall
    Distractedly merging with
    Designs on the floor


    How incredible
    To find that what was a dream
    Has become a fact


    Corners compartments
    Forced into their own niches
    A pattern of life

  • Fields of …

    Stretching unto the horizon
    Disappearing from view
    Spreading out in all directions
    Lush, green manicured fields

    Saplings growing daily stronger
    Springing from seeds they grew
    Developing shades of silver
    Shading the sun washed fields

    Bursting out of the fertile earth
    Flowers of gold and blue
    Daffodils and violets give birth
    To multi coloured fields

    The lovers washed by golden rays
    Their bond so strong and new
    Relaxing in a cocaine haze
    After sex in the fields

    Laid in even spaced lines and rows
    For what they thought was true
    The young men take their last repose
    Under the white crossed fields

  • Droplets

         by one
         the droplets
         the carpet
         red flowers
         and turning
         as they
         slowly dry

  • Dreaming Reality


    then suddenly i was falling
    plummeting down into enormous depths
    of nothingness
    the fall seemed endless
    becoming merely a void
    no sound
    no feeling
    no light
    no pain
    no sensation at all
    no time
    for time too was left behind on the surface


    waking I regret
    dreams are nothing they cannot 
    hurt me anymore 
    but the daytime with its old 
    and new terrors dumps
    me in continual hell
    until no longer
    can I bear the suffering
    in dreams is safety
    the pain is held at bay by the 
    distance given by dreaming


    fortune and fame come to greet me
    i am lost and alone
    in a wilderness of lies
    but time and space 
    are not only to be blamed
    but also the everchanging
    fear that comes with the dark
    or with the unknown things
    that haunt us forever
    hounding us until at last
    they go
    drowned in a sea of darkness
    of blood and fire


    Dreams twist into nightmares
    Nightmares force upon the light of day
    The day turns into nightmare experience
    Silken threads of dreams
    Become heavy ropes that bind


    And so I wait 
    and dream and hope
    wait even when 
    there seems no hope 
    in waiting


    dreamt of
    a crystal
    a red crystal
    shattering apart
    into a thousand flakes
    sharp needle pointed slivers
    scattered over the ground
    slicing everything
    then melts away
    leaving thick
    blood red


    And so it goes on
    From day to day
    Sleep to waking
    Grey and lifeless


    the perfect partner
    magnificent in all ways
    quintessential, consummate, ideal



    Although I have developed 
    an immunity
    to the pain from dreams
    so that they cannot hurt me 
    anymore there is no real 
    satisfaction in 
    dreaming it is in 
    some ways worse when the dreams are 
    good as eventually 
    I have to return 
    to reality
    returning to realise 
    these things I have dreamt are not 
    likely to happen to me 


    pain, fear, boredom
    these things are real for me
    not success or pleasure

    Everytime I 
    return from dreams 
    into reality
    the injuries are worse


    And so 
    I dream
    And wake
    To face reality 
    For another day
    Trying to find ways 
    To help me
    If not enjoy life
    Then at least 
    Endure it
    And to make the attempt
    To lessen the pain 
    And heartbreak
    That life is 
    For me at least


    I am
    I become
    another person
    another persona
    in a new situation

    something grand
    out of nothing

    new strength
    coming from
    a delusion

    my thoughts



  • Daddy’s Home Again

    I am a child
    I was once happy
    I don’t understand
    I loved my Daddy
    I do not want this
    I scream silently

    I start again

    I am a girl
    I use any drugs
    I search for more sex
    I buy the first one
    I find the second
    I scream, agonised

    I start again

    I am a wife
    I try to accept
    I attempt to please
    I am not in love
    I avoid his touch
    I scream futilely

    I look for a means
    I want an end

  • Daddy’s Home

    Innocence of childhood
    Waiting . . . waiting with fear
    Of what will happen
    Dreading those terrible words
    Daddy’s home
    And what comes after

                 I start again  

    Dingy bars, street corners
    All of the men alike
    Each experience
    Echoes those terrible words
    Daddy’s home
    And what came after

                 I start again  

    Wedding vows, pure white dress
    Could it be different
    Again what happens
    Mirror those terrible words
    Daddy’s home
    It still comes after

                 I start again

  • Comparable Hardships

    though painful
    can be borne
    it is something
    that is constant

    is harder
    resultant pain
    something to fear

    to cope with
    than the risk of
    the rejection

  • Cardboard Cutouts

    Tracing the shape
    Onto the sheet
    Carefully cutting
    Around the outline
    Cardboard cutouts
    Almost finished
    Ready to enter
    The world made for them
    Battered and bent
    Abused by time
    Straightening edges
    Repairing the tears
    Faded and torn
    Old and useless
    All are gathered up
    Tossed onto the pile
    Tracing the shape
    Onto the sheet
    The process restarts
    New lives to create

  • Broken Images I – VII


    A collection of words
    Ideas and Images

    Sometimes reflecting me
    More often not
    Inspired by others

    Adding meanings
    That are not really there

    Placing expectations
    That a poem
    Reflects the poet’s life


    coming from
    who knows where
    going into
    my mind and then
    off again
    to someplace else

    of a conversation
    skipping around
    in my mind
    an unfinished dance
    ballet of words
    meaning what

    of music
    too scattered
    broken up
    to recognise
    as a coherent
    complete entity

    of love, hate
    of images
    I don’t know


    distorted picture
    seeming two-dimensional
    a cardboard cut-out
    the perfection of the day
    making an unreal image


    From what impinges
    Upon all my senses
    What I hear taste touch see smell
    Not always from experience
    Or reflecting my beliefs
    My opinions my life


    Per    in        in       im      I       mis    sen   pic     dis    por    sli     the    of    al
    ver   ven     com   age  cons   rep     ta    tures   tor   tray   vers  stra    ac     i
    ted  tions  plete    ry     of       re     tion    of     tion   ing    of     tum    tu    ty

    Perverted inventions
    Incomplete imagery
    Icons of misrepresentation

    Pictures of distortion
    Portraying slivers of 
    The stratum of actuality 


    like snowflakes
    unable to 
    catch them

    destroying the 
    form the exquisiteness
    of them

    distances me
    makes them

    hard to appreciate
    too far away to perceive
    with accuracy

    to get close
    enough to

    their perfection 
    without harm

    them in a less
    fragile form 
    while maintaining
    the essence

    of their charm
    their appeal
    my attempts
    only producing

    very crude 
    of original’s 

    to make the 
    breakthrough to form 
    them into a

    precise and
    of the image  













    in the darkness
    my mind

    to thought altering

    through and are gone

    for ever
    unless my mind

    can retrieve them
    call them back
    my fears 

    within the 

    flickering thoughts
    then one by 
    one the 

    go out

  • Boxes




















  • … of …

    Fields of darkness
    Cells of light
    Seas of aridity
    Deserts of water
    Summer of hate
    Winter of love
    Spring of pain
    Autumn of joy
    Fires of ice
    Air of dust
    Music of silence
    Silence of noise
    Pain of joy
    Happiness of agony
    Rivers of blood
    Trees of clay
    Forests of emptiness
    Plains of confusion
    Skies of black
    Birth of nothing
    Life of death
    Death of life

  • Unspoken Love – lyrics

    I didn’t mean to fall in love with you
    I didn’t want all the pain it’s put me through

    Unspoken love
    Though I’m sure you knew
    Unrequited love
    All I have with you 

    My feelings for you are easier left unsaid
    But it’s a battle between my heart and my head

    Unspoken love
    Though I’m sure you knew
    Unrequited love
    All I have with you 

    I’m sure you know how I feel in my heart
    But I’m glad it stays unsaid so we’re not pushed apart
    Cause your friendship is so special to me
    Wouldn’t want that wrecked for something that can never be

    Unspoken love
    Though I’m sure you knew
    Unrequited love
    All I have with you 

    How I wish it could be another way
    But it can’t so it will always stay

    Unspoken love
    Though I’m sure you knew
    Unrequited love
    All I have with you 
    Unspoken love
    Unrequited love

  • Fragile – lyrics

     I’ve been through so much pain before
    And now you come to give me even more
    Oh yeah I can see it in your eyes
    Don’t say a thing don’t tell me any lies

    Please don’t hurt me I’m fragile
    Handle me with care
    Please don’t hurt me I’m fragile
    Show me that you care

    I’d always hoped that we would never part
    But now you’re here to stab me in my heart
    Are you so sure that there can be no way
    For us to be as one for love to always stay

    I’d try to smile but the pain gets in the way
    I can’t help but it hurts so much today

    Please don’t hurt me I’m fragile
    Handle me with care
    Please don’t hurt me I’m fragile
    Show me that you care

    I know that there will be more pain and sorrow
    But for me there will be a tomorrow
    I have taken oh so many knocks
    Maybe you should stamp upon my box

    Please don’t hurt me I’m fragile
    Handle me with care
    Please don’t hurt me I’m fragile
    Show me that you care
    Please don’t hurt me I’m fragile
    Handle me with care

  • Eternal Aching – lyrics

    In the darkness of the night 
    I hear your voice so clear 
    Calling out my name
    But you’re not here 

    Oh, how I long for you
    My love, my heart is breaking 
    I’m lost without you
    In this eternal aching 

    I see you in my dreams
    But when I wake, you’re gone 
    I’m holding on to nothing
    But the memory of you 

    Oh, how I long for you
    My love, my heart is breaking 
    I’m lost without you
    In this eternal aching 

    I’ll wait for you forever
    In this lonely place
    I’ll keep your love inside me 
    Until we meet again

    Oh, how I long for you
    My love, my heart is breaking
    I’m lost without you
    In this eternal aching 

    Oh, how I long for you
    My love, my heart is breaking
    I’m lost without you
    In this eternal aching 

    In the darkness of the night 
    I’ll hear your voice so clear
    Calling out my name
    But you’re not here
    You’re not here
    You’re not here
    You’re not here

  • Found My Peace – lyrics

    Sitting on my porch, watching the world go by 
    Feeling the sun on my skin, the wind in my eye 
    Peace and contentment is all that I need

    No worries, no stress, just pure serenity 

    Cause I’ve found my peace, in the simple things 
    In the quiet moments, my heart sings

    No need for fame or fortune or greed

    Just the beauty of life, that’s all I need

    The sound of the birds, the rustle of leaves 
    Nature’s symphony, it brings me to my knees 
    In this peaceful place, I’m free to be me

    No mask, no pretense, just authenticity 

    Cause I’ve found my peace, in the simple things 
    In the quiet moments, my heart sings

    No need for fame or fortune or greed

    Just the beauty of life, that’s all I need

    I’m just letting go of what I can’t control

    Just seeking peace and healing my soul

    Cause I’ve found my peace, in the simple things 
    In the quiet moments, my heart sings

    No need for fame or fortune or greed
    Just the beauty of life, that’s all I need 

    Sitting on my porch, watching the world go by 
    Feeling the sun on my skin, the wind in my eye 
    Peace and contentment is all that I need

    No worries, no stress, just pure serenity. 

  • Mirror Mirror – lyrics

    In the mirror’s gentle gaze I stand, 
    Reflecting thoughts, a shifting land. 
    Eyes that hold both joy and pain, 
    A canvas where emotions reign.

    Oh, mirror, mirror, on the wall, 
    You hold my truth, you see it all. 
    With flaws and strengths still standing tall 
    mirror mirror don’t let me fall

    Each line etched by fleeting years, 
    Stories told, whispers of tears.
    Smiles that dance like morning light, 
    And furrowed brows in silent night.

    Oh, mirror, mirror, on the wall, 
    You hold my truth, you see it all. 
    With flaws and strengths still standing tall 
    mirror mirror don’t let me fall

    Oh, mirror, show me who I’ve been, 
    The battles fought, the growth within. 
    Every scar every rise and fall 
    reflect my spirit standing tall 

    Oh, mirror, mirror, on the wall, 
    You hold my truth, you see it all. 
    With flaws and strengths still standing tall 
    mirror mirror don’t let me fall

    In the morning’s gentle light 
    in the shadows of the night
    reflect the beauty the pain I bear 
    in your glass it’s all laid bare

    Oh, mirror, mirror, on the wall, 
    You hold my truth, you see it all. 
    With flaws and strengths still standing tall 
    mirror mirror don’t let me fall

  • On the Drive Home – lyrics

    I’m leaving work, the sun is setting low
    Traffic’s heavy, but my mind is free to roam
    I turn the music up, and let my thoughts take flight 
    On the drive home, everything feels just right

    I’m leaving the city, leaving the stress behind 
    On the drive home, I finally feel alive 

    On the drive home, everything feels right 
    All my worries, they fade into the night
    On the drive home, I finally feel free 
    To be myself, to just be me 

    I’m driving past the fields and the old farm land 
    The sky is orange and the clouds are shifting sand 
    I take a deep breath, and let my senses take in
    On the drive home, it’s like a new beginning 

    I’m leaving the city, leaving the stress behind 
    On the drive home, I finally feel alive 

    On the drive home, everything feels right 
    All my worries, they fade into the night 
    On the drive home, I finally feel free 
    To be myself, to just be me 

    I’m heading home, to where my heart belongs 
    I’m leaving behind the chaos and the throngs 
    On the drive home, I’m at peace 
    With the world, with myself, I am released 

    I’m almost home, I can see the lights
    I’m almost home, I can feel the love inside 
    I pull in the driveway, and turn off the car 
    On the drive home, I’ve traveled so far

    I’m leaving the city, leaving the stress behind 
    On the drive home, I finally feel alive 

    On the drive home, everything feels right 
    All my worries, they fade into the night
    On the drive home, I finally feel free 
    To be myself, to just be me 

    On the drive home, everything feels right 
    All my worries, they fade into the night 
    On the drive home, I finally feel free 
    To be myself, to just be me 

    On the drive home, I’ve come to know 
    All that I’ve been, and all that I’ll grow 
    On the drive home, I finally see 
    All that I am, and all that I’ll be. 
    On the drive home

  • With Arms Wide Open – lyrics

    In the dark and lonely night
    I find myself searching for a light
    And though my heart is heavy with regret 
    I know that I’ll rise above it yet 

    I will run to you
    With arms wide open 
    And I will chase the blues 
    Until my heart is broken 

    I’ve been wandering through the storm 
    With nothing but a broken heart
    But I’ll keep on moving forward
    Till I find a brand new start 

    I will run to you
    With arms wide open 
    And I will chase the blues 
    Until my heart is broken 

    And I’ll keep on climbing 
    Higher and higher
    Till I reach the top
    And see my heart’s desire 

    I will run to you
    With arms wide open 
    And I will chase the blues 
    Until my heart is broken 

    I will run to you
    With arms wide open 
    And I will chase the blues 
    Until my heart is broken 

    And when the night is over
    And the storm has passed
    I’ll look up to the heavens
    And know that I’ve found my way at last. 

  • The Candle – lyrics

    The Candle is the poem Waxen Form set to music.

    the wick runs short the 
    candle fades
    then flickers
    and goes out

    how many people
    has she warmed
    how many
    shared her light

    though with the wind
    and with the rain
    her flame
    nearly died

    she overcame
    until finally
    there is no more

    now she has
    no use no 
    beauty she 
    lies still cold

    darkness surrounds her

    is this the 
    end or the 
    of something new

  • Love and Loss – lyrics

    I search for your face
    memories of you time cannot erase
    your laughter, touch, smile
    gone but with me all the while

    love and loss
    such a cost
    hearts torn apart
    never fully lost

    whispers call out your name
    never the same
    the fire that burned
    now ashes, lesson learned

    love and loss
    such a cost
    hearts torn apart
    never fully lost

    tears falling like rain
    drowning in pain
    the love we once knew
    gone but forever true

    love and loss
    such a cost
    hearts torn apart
    never fully lost

  • Dead End Street – lyrics

    I’m walking down this empty road
    A faded line, where dreams corrode
    All the street lights have burned out
    In this town where hope’s in doubt

    It feels like I’ve been here for so long
    Stuck in a place where I don’t belong
    But I’ll keep pushing through the night
    I’ll find a way to make it right

    I’m on a dead-end street, a dead-end street
    Get me off this dead-end street
    I’m on a dead-end street, a dead-end street
    Get me off this dead-end street

    The shadows whisper tales of despair
    Broken dreams and hearts laid bare
    But I won’t let this street define
    The path I walk, the things I’ll find

    Feels like I’ve hit a dead-end sign,
    But I won’t let my spirit decline,
    Through the echoes of the city’s beat,
    I’ll rise again, won’t face defeat.

    I’m on a dead-end street, a dead-end street
    Get me off this dead-end street
    I’m on a dead-end street, a dead-end street
    Get me off this dead-end street

    In the whispers of the midnight air,
    I’ll face my fears, I won’t despair,
    On this road where hopes retreat,
    I’ll carve a path, won’t face defeat.

    I’m on a dead-end street, a dead-end street
    Get me off this dead-end street
    I’m on a dead-end street, a dead-end street
    Get me off this dead-end street

    I’m on a dead-end street, a dead-end street
    Get me off this dead-end street
    I’m on a dead-end street, a dead-end street
    Get me off this dead-end street

  • Shades of Grey – lyrics

    In a world of black and white,
    Everything, from dark to light,
    Every shade and every hue,
    In your love, I found what’s true.

    Shades of grey, in love we sway,
    Lost in your eyes, come what may,
    In this world of ours please stay
    Shades of grey, never fade away.

    Through the storms and sunny days,
    In your arms, I’ll always stay,
    Life’s a canvas, we’ll paint it bright,
    Our love’s colours will ignite.

    Shades of grey, in love we sway,
    Lost in your eyes, come what may,
    In this world of ours please stay
    Shades of grey, never fade away.

    Reds and blues, in love’s embrace,
    With every shade, our hearts keep pace,
    Through the darkness, into the day,
    In your love, all fear will fade away.

    In this world of black and white,
    You and I, we’ll shine so bright,
    Hand in hand, we’ll find our way,
    In the shades of grey, we’ll always stay. 

    Shades of grey, in love we sway,
    Lost in your eyes, come what may,
    In this world of ours please stay
    Shades of grey, never fade away.

    Shades of grey, in love we sway,
    Lost in your eyes, come what may,
    In this world of ours please stay
    Shades of grey, never fade away.

  • I am who I am – lyrics

    I like what I like
    I want what I want
    I want what I want
    I like what I like

    I need what I need
    I have what I have
    I have what I have
    I need what I need

    I was who I was
    I am who I am
    I am who I am
    I was who I was

    I am who I am
    I was who I was
    I was who I was
    I am who I am

  • Block

    I sat
    Looking at the blank
    White expanse
    Before me
    Not knowing
    How to fill it
    How to break the expanse
    How to begin
    Cluttered confused images
    Dancing around in my head
    So fast
    So elusive
    Slipping through my grasp
    So many
    So varied
    No single one to
    Hold onto
    So vague
    So unformed
    The unborn
    For life

  • Instrument Collection

    Instrument Collection

    Andrew has a fairly extensive collection of musical instruments, predominantly string instruments. The major categories these are grouped by are:

    Acoustic Guitars
    Bass Guitars
    Electric Guitars
    Mandolin family
    Violin family
    Other Instruments

  • Epiphone SG Special electric guitar

    Epiphone SG Special. Currently has a broken nut so I will need to replace that.

  • Fender 50th Anniversary American Deluxe Stratocaster

    Fender 50th Anniversary American Deluxe Stratocaster. One of a few instruments with a broken string or needing restringing- have to have a restringing session soon. One of the positions of the switch has stopped working so I will need to investigate that as well. Luckily with plenty of alternatives when I break a string I pick a different guitar.