
Lyrics of songs with video and/or audio recordings where possible by Andrew Charman-Williams or Spiral Net. Some of these lyrics either have no available recordings of the song or have not yet been put to music. Categories of no-recording and unused apply to these.

  • Walking Not Running lyrics

    Version 1

    Walking, not running,
    Through the tapestry of twilight hues,
    Where shadows dance on the edge of day,
    And the world breathes in a quiet sigh.

    No hurried pace, no frantic steps,
    Just the rhythm of a heart at ease,
    In sync with the whispers of the wind,
    A gentle cadence, a slow release.

    The path unfolds beneath my feet,
    A mosaic of earth and fallen leaves,
    Each step a story etched in the soil,
    Tales of journeys, both near and far.

    The sun, a fading ember in the sky,
    Paints the horizon in strokes of amber and gold,
    A masterpiece of the closing day,
    A palette of dreams, untold.

    I tread upon the canvas of nature,
    Feeling the earth beneath my soles,
    Connected to the pulse of the land,
    In this moment, where time strolls.

    Not a race against the hands of the clock,
    But a communion with the silence,
    Where the rustle of leaves and the song of birds,
    Compose a symphony of tranquil compliance.

    A mindful saunter through the sacred,
    A meditation in the art of being,
    In the slowing down, I find the essence,
    Of a journey that transcends mere seeing.

    So, I walk, not run,
    Along the path of quiet contemplation,
    Embracing the serenity of each step,
    In the hush of the world’s meditation.

    Version 2

    (Verse 1)
    Walking, not running,
    In the twilight’s gentle glow,
    Where shadows waltz on the horizon,
    And the world breathes soft and slow.

    No hurried pace, no frantic steps,
    Just the rhythm of a heart at ease,
    In tune with the whispers of the breeze,
    A melody of tranquility, a sweet release.

    I tread upon the canvas of nature,
    Feeling the earth beneath my soles,
    Connected to the pulse of the land,
    In this moment, where time strolls.

    (Verse 2)
    The sun, a fading ember in the sky,
    Paints the evening in hues untold,
    A masterpiece of the closing day,
    A palette of dreams, a story to unfold.

    Each step, a tale etched in the soil,
    A journey written in the falling leaves,
    I walk the path of quiet reverie,
    Where the heart finds solace, believes.

    I tread upon the canvas of nature,
    Feeling the earth beneath my soles,
    Connected to the pulse of the land,
    In this moment, where time strolls.

    Not a race against the hands of the clock,
    But a communion with the silence,
    Where the rustle of leaves and the song of birds,
    Compose a symphony of tranquil compliance.

    (Verse 3)
    A mindful saunter through the sacred,
    A meditation in the art of being,
    In the slowing down, I find the essence,
    Of a journey that transcends mere seeing.

    I tread upon the canvas of nature,
    Feeling the earth beneath my soles,
    Connected to the pulse of the land,
    In this moment, where time strolls.

    So, I walk, not run,
    Along the path of quiet contemplation,
    Embracing the serenity of each step,
    In the hush of the world’s meditation.

    Version 3

    Walking, not running, through the quiet streets,
    Where echoes of footsteps blend with the heartbeat.
    Underneath the city lights, a nocturnal ballet,
    In the moonlit shadows, I find my own way.

    No rush, no race against the ticking hands,
    Just a stroll through a world where time expands.
    Street lamps flicker, casting a gentle glow,
    As I weave through the city, letting thoughts flow.

    The pavement beneath, a textured story unfolds,
    Each crack and cobblestone, tales of lives it holds.
    I’m a wanderer in the urban twilight,
    A poet in the symphony of the city’s night.

    Neon signs whisper secrets in electric hues,
    As I navigate the city’s labyrinth, wearing midnight shoes.
    A steady rhythm of footsteps on the pavement,
    In the stillness of the night, a silent engagement.

    Walking, not running, through the city’s embrace,
    Discovering beauty in each forgotten space.
    A slow dance with the urban serenade,
    In the quietude, my worries begin to fade.

    Gentle winds carry fragments of distant sounds,
    As I stroll through the quiet streets, unbound.
    Reflections in windows, a transient mirage,
    In this nocturnal reverie, I’m the sole voyage.

    The city sleeps, but my steps are wide awake,
    In the hushed alleys, dreams and reality intertwine.
    Walking, not running, through the city’s heart,
    A nocturnal explorer, making art from the sublime.

    Version 4

    Walking, not running,
    Beneath the silvered veil of night,
    Where the moon whispers secrets,
    And stars paint the canvas of quiet delight.

    No hurried strides, no racing beats,
    Just the cadence of a thoughtful gait,
    In step with the nocturnal symphony,
    A melody that transcends the hour late.

    The world, a silent observer,
    As shadows play on the moonlit ground,
    A ballet of contrasts, light and dark,
    In the stillness, a tranquility profound.

    Step by step, the journey unfolds,
    A pilgrimage under the celestial dome,
    Each footfall a note in the cosmic score,
    A serenade to the universe, a quiet poem.

    Through realms where time takes a pause,
    And the night sky cradles the wandering soul,
    I walk, not run, in the hallowed quiet,
    A voyage where introspection takes control.

    No destination set in stone,
    Just the path of quiet exploration,
    As the night embraces with open arms,
    A sanctuary found in the art of contemplation.

    Walking, not running,
    In the hush of midnight’s embrace,
    Where the world sleeps, and dreams unfurl,
    I find solace in the unhurried pace.

  • Lost Without You lyrics

    The morning light creeps in
    As I lie here in my bed
    My thoughts drift back to you
    And all the things we said

    Oh my love where have you gone
    I’m lost without you can’t carry on
    I long to hear your voice again
    To feel your touch to ease this pain

    The days are long the nights are cold
    My heart is heavy my soul is old
    I wander through the streets alone
    Wishing you were here to guide me home

    Oh my love where have you gone
    I’m lost without you can’t carry on
    I long to hear your voice again
    To feel your touch to ease this pain

    I know that I’ve made mistakes
    And I’ve caused you so much pain
    But if you could find it in your heart
    To come back to me we could start again

    Oh my love where have you gone
    I’m lost without you can’t carry on
    I long to hear your voice again
    To feel your touch to ease this pain

    So I’ll wait for you my love
    And hope that you’ll return
    Until then I’ll sing this song
    And let my heart yearn

  • Weight of the World lyrics

    Verse 1
    I’m sitting here with my guitar
    Strumming chords in the dark
    Trying to find the words to say
    All the things that are in my heart

    Cause I can feel the weight of the world
    Pressing down on me
    And all I wanna do is find a way
    To set my soul free

    Verse 2
    There’s a pain that runs so deep
    It keeps me up at night
    And I’m afraid if I don’t let it out
    It’ll consume me from inside

    Cause I can feel the weight of the world
    Pressing down on me
    And all I wanna do is find a way
    To set my soul free

    So I pour my heart out through these strings
    Hoping that someone out there feels the same
    And maybe we can find a way
    To make it through another day

    Cause I can feel the weight of the world
    Pressing down on me
    And all I wanna do is find a way
    To set my soul free

    I’ll keep playing this guitar
    Until I find the peace I seek
    And maybe one day I’ll look back
    And see how far I’ve come from where I used to be

  • Chance to Breathe lyrics

    Version 1

    Verse 1
    Finally alone, a chance to breathe
    Time to relax and find my peace

    Take a breath, refresh my soul
    Time to relax and be alone

    Verse 2
    The quiet fills me, no need to rush
    This moment’s mine, no one to push

    Take a breath, refresh my soul
    Time to relax and be alone

    Verse 3
    Gather my strength, prepare to go
    Grateful for this time alone

    Take a breath, refresh my soul
    Time to relax and be alone

    Version 2

    Verse 1 
    Finally alone, a chance to breathe 
    To take a moment and take in my peace 
    Let go of all my worries, no need to grieve 
    This is the time I’ve been longing to receive 

    A chance to breathe, a chance to just be 
    Enjoy the peace and regain my energy 
    A chance to breathe, a chance to just be 
    Enjoy the peace and regain my energy 

    Verse 2 
    No need to rush, I’m taking my time 
    Letting go of all the things on my mind 
    My worries feel so far away 
    Now I can find some peace and stay 

    A chance to breathe, a chance to just be 
    Enjoy the peace and regain my energy 
    A chance to breathe, a chance to just be 
    Enjoy the peace and regain my energy 

    This is the time to just relax 
    Let go of all the stress and take a break 
    The peace that I’m feeling is so sweet 
    Letting go of all the burdens I have to meet 

    A chance to breathe, a chance to just be 
    Enjoy the peace and regain my energy 
    A chance to breathe, a chance to just be 
    Enjoy the peace and regain my energy

  • Beauty of Solitude lyrics

    Verse 1

    Alone I sit, in peaceful joy,
    The world outside I ignore
    A moment of peace I enjoy,
    Without a need for more.

    Verse 2

    The sun is setting in the sky
    The birds are singing a sweet tune
    A gentle breeze is in the air,
    The beauty of nature in bloom.

    Verse 3

    I take a deep breath, let out a sigh,
    My worries far away
    In this moment I’m content 
    As I start a different day.


    The beauty of solitude,
    It’s a pleasure I embrace
    It’s calming and serene
    In this moment I have grace.

    Verse 4

    The sky is turning from day to night,
    A starry sky above
    A peaceful calm I feel inside,
    A feeling of utmost love.

    Verse 5

    I look around and take it all in,
    The beauty I can see
    The peace and joy I find in solitude
    Is a gift that’s meant for me.


    The beauty of solitude,
    It’s a pleasure I embrace
    It’s calming and serene
    In this moment I have grace.

  • Loving my Solitude lyrics

    Verse 1
    I’m feeling free and content
    In my own space and my own time
    I’m embracing this solitude
    And I’m feeling just fine

    I’m enjoying my own company
    I’m loving my solitude
    All the freedoms it brings to me
    I’m loving my solitude

    Verse 2
    I’m letting go of all the noise
    No distractions, just me and my voice 
    I’m finding peace in being alone
    And I’m loving it more and more

    I’m enjoying my own company
    I’m loving my solitude
    All the freedoms it brings to me
    I’m loving my solitude

    Verse 3
    My own space is my paradise
    I’m taking this time to be kind
    I’m free to express who I am
    Unhindered, unafraid

    I’m enjoying my own company
    I’m loving my solitude
    All the freedoms it brings to me
    I’m loving my solitude

  • Time Alone lyrics

    Verse 1
    I’m an introvert and I need some alone time
    I can’t be around people all the time
    I’m not trying to be rude, I just need some space
    Can’t you understand, take a step back and give me a break

    Give me some time, to be alone
    Let me take a break, away from the phone
    I need time to breathe, time to be free
    Just let me be, let me just be me

    Verse 2
    I don’t want to be rude, I just need to be alone
    I need a break from the noise, from people talking on the phone
    I just want to be away, no need to explain
    Just let me be, don’t try to make me feel ashamed

    Give me some time, to be alone
    Let me take a break, away from the phone
    I need time to breathe, time to be free
    Just let me be, let me just be me

    I know I’m not the only one
    That needs some time away, needs some time alone
    Just let me be, don’t try to make me feel ashamed
    Let me find some peace, and just let me be me

    Give me some time, to be alone
    Let me take a break, away from the phone
    I need time to breathe, time to be free
    Just let me be, let me just be me

  • Solitude lyrics

    Verse 1
    When night falls and the stars align
    I take a moment to step out of time
    I choose to go within and explore
    The beauty of intentional solitude

    I find peace and stillness there
    The beauty of intentional solitude
    I find solace and comfort there
    The beauty of intentional solitude

    Verse 2
    When I’m ready to open my heart
    I take a moment to be still and start
    My journey within, to find a new way
    The beauty of intentional solitude

    I find peace and stillness there
    The beauty of intentional solitude
    I find solace and comfort there
    The beauty of intentional solitude

    In this moment of stillness and peace
    I find a way to reconnect with me
    To find my center, to feel my own bliss
    The beauty of intentional solitude

    I find peace and stillness there
    The beauty of intentional solitude
    I find solace and comfort there
    The beauty of intentional solitude

  • Unspoken Love – lyrics

    I didn’t mean to fall in love with you
    I didn’t want all the pain it’s put me through

    Unspoken love
    Though I’m sure you knew
    Unrequited love
    All I have with you 

    My feelings for you are easier left unsaid
    But it’s a battle between my heart and my head

    Unspoken love
    Though I’m sure you knew
    Unrequited love
    All I have with you 

    I’m sure you know how I feel in my heart
    But I’m glad it stays unsaid so we’re not pushed apart
    Cause your friendship is so special to me
    Wouldn’t want that wrecked for something that can never be

    Unspoken love
    Though I’m sure you knew
    Unrequited love
    All I have with you 

    How I wish it could be another way
    But it can’t so it will always stay

    Unspoken love
    Though I’m sure you knew
    Unrequited love
    All I have with you 
    Unspoken love
    Unrequited love

  • Fragile – lyrics

     I’ve been through so much pain before
    And now you come to give me even more
    Oh yeah I can see it in your eyes
    Don’t say a thing don’t tell me any lies

    Please don’t hurt me I’m fragile
    Handle me with care
    Please don’t hurt me I’m fragile
    Show me that you care

    I’d always hoped that we would never part
    But now you’re here to stab me in my heart
    Are you so sure that there can be no way
    For us to be as one for love to always stay

    I’d try to smile but the pain gets in the way
    I can’t help but it hurts so much today

    Please don’t hurt me I’m fragile
    Handle me with care
    Please don’t hurt me I’m fragile
    Show me that you care

    I know that there will be more pain and sorrow
    But for me there will be a tomorrow
    I have taken oh so many knocks
    Maybe you should stamp upon my box

    Please don’t hurt me I’m fragile
    Handle me with care
    Please don’t hurt me I’m fragile
    Show me that you care
    Please don’t hurt me I’m fragile
    Handle me with care

  • Eternal Aching – lyrics

    In the darkness of the night 
    I hear your voice so clear 
    Calling out my name
    But you’re not here 

    Oh, how I long for you
    My love, my heart is breaking 
    I’m lost without you
    In this eternal aching 

    I see you in my dreams
    But when I wake, you’re gone 
    I’m holding on to nothing
    But the memory of you 

    Oh, how I long for you
    My love, my heart is breaking 
    I’m lost without you
    In this eternal aching 

    I’ll wait for you forever
    In this lonely place
    I’ll keep your love inside me 
    Until we meet again

    Oh, how I long for you
    My love, my heart is breaking
    I’m lost without you
    In this eternal aching 

    Oh, how I long for you
    My love, my heart is breaking
    I’m lost without you
    In this eternal aching 

    In the darkness of the night 
    I’ll hear your voice so clear
    Calling out my name
    But you’re not here
    You’re not here
    You’re not here
    You’re not here

  • Found My Peace – lyrics

    Sitting on my porch, watching the world go by 
    Feeling the sun on my skin, the wind in my eye 
    Peace and contentment is all that I need

    No worries, no stress, just pure serenity 

    Cause I’ve found my peace, in the simple things 
    In the quiet moments, my heart sings

    No need for fame or fortune or greed

    Just the beauty of life, that’s all I need

    The sound of the birds, the rustle of leaves 
    Nature’s symphony, it brings me to my knees 
    In this peaceful place, I’m free to be me

    No mask, no pretense, just authenticity 

    Cause I’ve found my peace, in the simple things 
    In the quiet moments, my heart sings

    No need for fame or fortune or greed

    Just the beauty of life, that’s all I need

    I’m just letting go of what I can’t control

    Just seeking peace and healing my soul

    Cause I’ve found my peace, in the simple things 
    In the quiet moments, my heart sings

    No need for fame or fortune or greed
    Just the beauty of life, that’s all I need 

    Sitting on my porch, watching the world go by 
    Feeling the sun on my skin, the wind in my eye 
    Peace and contentment is all that I need

    No worries, no stress, just pure serenity. 

  • Mirror Mirror – lyrics

    In the mirror’s gentle gaze I stand, 
    Reflecting thoughts, a shifting land. 
    Eyes that hold both joy and pain, 
    A canvas where emotions reign.

    Oh, mirror, mirror, on the wall, 
    You hold my truth, you see it all. 
    With flaws and strengths still standing tall 
    mirror mirror don’t let me fall

    Each line etched by fleeting years, 
    Stories told, whispers of tears.
    Smiles that dance like morning light, 
    And furrowed brows in silent night.

    Oh, mirror, mirror, on the wall, 
    You hold my truth, you see it all. 
    With flaws and strengths still standing tall 
    mirror mirror don’t let me fall

    Oh, mirror, show me who I’ve been, 
    The battles fought, the growth within. 
    Every scar every rise and fall 
    reflect my spirit standing tall 

    Oh, mirror, mirror, on the wall, 
    You hold my truth, you see it all. 
    With flaws and strengths still standing tall 
    mirror mirror don’t let me fall

    In the morning’s gentle light 
    in the shadows of the night
    reflect the beauty the pain I bear 
    in your glass it’s all laid bare

    Oh, mirror, mirror, on the wall, 
    You hold my truth, you see it all. 
    With flaws and strengths still standing tall 
    mirror mirror don’t let me fall

  • On the Drive Home – lyrics

    I’m leaving work, the sun is setting low
    Traffic’s heavy, but my mind is free to roam
    I turn the music up, and let my thoughts take flight 
    On the drive home, everything feels just right

    I’m leaving the city, leaving the stress behind 
    On the drive home, I finally feel alive 

    On the drive home, everything feels right 
    All my worries, they fade into the night
    On the drive home, I finally feel free 
    To be myself, to just be me 

    I’m driving past the fields and the old farm land 
    The sky is orange and the clouds are shifting sand 
    I take a deep breath, and let my senses take in
    On the drive home, it’s like a new beginning 

    I’m leaving the city, leaving the stress behind 
    On the drive home, I finally feel alive 

    On the drive home, everything feels right 
    All my worries, they fade into the night 
    On the drive home, I finally feel free 
    To be myself, to just be me 

    I’m heading home, to where my heart belongs 
    I’m leaving behind the chaos and the throngs 
    On the drive home, I’m at peace 
    With the world, with myself, I am released 

    I’m almost home, I can see the lights
    I’m almost home, I can feel the love inside 
    I pull in the driveway, and turn off the car 
    On the drive home, I’ve traveled so far

    I’m leaving the city, leaving the stress behind 
    On the drive home, I finally feel alive 

    On the drive home, everything feels right 
    All my worries, they fade into the night
    On the drive home, I finally feel free 
    To be myself, to just be me 

    On the drive home, everything feels right 
    All my worries, they fade into the night 
    On the drive home, I finally feel free 
    To be myself, to just be me 

    On the drive home, I’ve come to know 
    All that I’ve been, and all that I’ll grow 
    On the drive home, I finally see 
    All that I am, and all that I’ll be. 
    On the drive home

  • With Arms Wide Open – lyrics

    In the dark and lonely night
    I find myself searching for a light
    And though my heart is heavy with regret 
    I know that I’ll rise above it yet 

    I will run to you
    With arms wide open 
    And I will chase the blues 
    Until my heart is broken 

    I’ve been wandering through the storm 
    With nothing but a broken heart
    But I’ll keep on moving forward
    Till I find a brand new start 

    I will run to you
    With arms wide open 
    And I will chase the blues 
    Until my heart is broken 

    And I’ll keep on climbing 
    Higher and higher
    Till I reach the top
    And see my heart’s desire 

    I will run to you
    With arms wide open 
    And I will chase the blues 
    Until my heart is broken 

    I will run to you
    With arms wide open 
    And I will chase the blues 
    Until my heart is broken 

    And when the night is over
    And the storm has passed
    I’ll look up to the heavens
    And know that I’ve found my way at last. 

  • The Candle – lyrics

    The Candle is the poem Waxen Form set to music.

    the wick runs short the 
    candle fades
    then flickers
    and goes out

    how many people
    has she warmed
    how many
    shared her light

    though with the wind
    and with the rain
    her flame
    nearly died

    she overcame
    until finally
    there is no more

    now she has
    no use no 
    beauty she 
    lies still cold

    darkness surrounds her

    is this the 
    end or the 
    of something new

  • Love and Loss – lyrics

    I search for your face
    memories of you time cannot erase
    your laughter, touch, smile
    gone but with me all the while

    love and loss
    such a cost
    hearts torn apart
    never fully lost

    whispers call out your name
    never the same
    the fire that burned
    now ashes, lesson learned

    love and loss
    such a cost
    hearts torn apart
    never fully lost

    tears falling like rain
    drowning in pain
    the love we once knew
    gone but forever true

    love and loss
    such a cost
    hearts torn apart
    never fully lost

  • Dead End Street – lyrics

    I’m walking down this empty road
    A faded line, where dreams corrode
    All the street lights have burned out
    In this town where hope’s in doubt

    It feels like I’ve been here for so long
    Stuck in a place where I don’t belong
    But I’ll keep pushing through the night
    I’ll find a way to make it right

    I’m on a dead-end street, a dead-end street
    Get me off this dead-end street
    I’m on a dead-end street, a dead-end street
    Get me off this dead-end street

    The shadows whisper tales of despair
    Broken dreams and hearts laid bare
    But I won’t let this street define
    The path I walk, the things I’ll find

    Feels like I’ve hit a dead-end sign,
    But I won’t let my spirit decline,
    Through the echoes of the city’s beat,
    I’ll rise again, won’t face defeat.

    I’m on a dead-end street, a dead-end street
    Get me off this dead-end street
    I’m on a dead-end street, a dead-end street
    Get me off this dead-end street

    In the whispers of the midnight air,
    I’ll face my fears, I won’t despair,
    On this road where hopes retreat,
    I’ll carve a path, won’t face defeat.

    I’m on a dead-end street, a dead-end street
    Get me off this dead-end street
    I’m on a dead-end street, a dead-end street
    Get me off this dead-end street

    I’m on a dead-end street, a dead-end street
    Get me off this dead-end street
    I’m on a dead-end street, a dead-end street
    Get me off this dead-end street

  • Shades of Grey – lyrics

    In a world of black and white,
    Everything, from dark to light,
    Every shade and every hue,
    In your love, I found what’s true.

    Shades of grey, in love we sway,
    Lost in your eyes, come what may,
    In this world of ours please stay
    Shades of grey, never fade away.

    Through the storms and sunny days,
    In your arms, I’ll always stay,
    Life’s a canvas, we’ll paint it bright,
    Our love’s colours will ignite.

    Shades of grey, in love we sway,
    Lost in your eyes, come what may,
    In this world of ours please stay
    Shades of grey, never fade away.

    Reds and blues, in love’s embrace,
    With every shade, our hearts keep pace,
    Through the darkness, into the day,
    In your love, all fear will fade away.

    In this world of black and white,
    You and I, we’ll shine so bright,
    Hand in hand, we’ll find our way,
    In the shades of grey, we’ll always stay. 

    Shades of grey, in love we sway,
    Lost in your eyes, come what may,
    In this world of ours please stay
    Shades of grey, never fade away.

    Shades of grey, in love we sway,
    Lost in your eyes, come what may,
    In this world of ours please stay
    Shades of grey, never fade away.

  • I am who I am – lyrics

    I like what I like
    I want what I want
    I want what I want
    I like what I like

    I need what I need
    I have what I have
    I have what I have
    I need what I need

    I was who I was
    I am who I am
    I am who I am
    I was who I was

    I am who I am
    I was who I was
    I was who I was
    I am who I am

  • Sadness – lyrics

    Lyrics for Sadness by Andrew Charman-Williams that are currently unused. They may or may not form the basis to a song at some point.


    (Verse 1)
    In shadows cast by tear-stained skies,
    A tender soul in sorrow lies.
    Where heavy hearts bear silent pain,
    And whispered woes like falling rain.

    Yet in this somber, muted hue,
    A glimmer lingers, faint but true.
    For tears, a cleansing, healing stream,
    To wash away the pain, it seems.

    Oh, in sadness, we find strength,
    Through every trial’s breadth and length.
    With every tear, a chance to grow,
    To rise above the darkest woe.

    (Verse 2)
    In depths of darkness, sadness weaves,
    A web of sorrow that never leaves.
    Through valleys low, it gently creeps,
    And in our hearts, its presence seeps.

    Yet in this somber, muted hue,
    A glimmer lingers, faint but true.
    For tears, a cleansing, healing stream,
    To wash away the pain, it seems.

    Oh, in sadness, we find strength,
    Through every trial’s breadth and length.
    With every tear, a chance to grow,
    To rise above the darkest woe.

    And when the night seems long and cold,
    And happiness feels far too old,
    Remember, dear, through joy and strife,
    In every tear, there’s hope and life.

    Oh, in sadness, we find strength,
    Through every trial’s breadth and length.
    With every tear, a chance to grow,
    To rise above the darkest woe.

    So let the tears fall gently now,
    For they’ll not drown us anyhow.
    For through this pain, we’ll find our way,
    To brighter skies, a brand new day. 

  • What if You’re Wrong – lyrics

    Lyrics for What if you’re wrong by Andrew Charman-Williams that are currently unused. They may or may not form the basis of a song at some point.


    (Verse 1)
    In the quiet of the night, with stars up in the sky,
    I’m pondering the mysteries, the questions in my mind,
    What if the path I’ve taken, isn’t leading me back home?
    What if the truth I’ve known is just a tale I’ve always known?

    Oh, what if you’re wrong and I am right?
    What if we’re both lost in this moonlit light?
    We chase our dreams, like birds in flight,
    But what if you’re wrong, and I am right?

    (Verse 2)
    Through fields of wildflowers, we danced without a care,
    Your laughter was a melody that hung upon the air,
    But the shadows of uncertainty now cloud my restless heart,
    What if the love we built on dreams is bound to fall apart?

    Oh, what if you’re wrong and I am right?
    What if we’re both lost in this moonlit light?
    We chase our dreams, like birds in flight,
    But what if you’re wrong, and I am right?

    Can we find common ground, where our souls align?
    Or are we destined to forever question, to forever wonder why?

    (Verse 3)
    The wind carries our whispers as we speak of what’s to come,
    We’re drifting on the ocean, unsure of what we’ve become,
    But in this tangled mess of doubts, we find our hearts entwined,
    A glimmer of hope amidst the fear, a chance to heal, to realign.

    Oh, what if you’re wrong and I am right?
    What if we’re both lost in this moonlit light?
    We chase our dreams, like birds in flight,
    But what if you’re wrong, and I am right?

    In the embrace of the night, we’ll find our way,
    Hand in hand, we’ll face the dawn of a brand new day,
    For in the end, it’s not about who’s right or who’s wrong,
    But the love we share that keeps us strong.

  • Will We Ever Be – lyrics

    The first time I was not ready
    I have to wear the blame
    This time I could give my love to you
    But your heart is his to claim

    Will we ever be
    In the right place and time
    Will I get the chance again
    To make you mine

    You come back into my life
    Turn my world inside out
    I could easily love you
    Of that there is no doubt

    Will we ever be
    In the right place and time
    Will I get the chance again
    To make you mine

    Will there be another chance
    An opportunity
    With nothing to obstruct
    The love between you and me

    Will we ever be
    In the right place and time
    Will I get the chance again
    To make you mine

    Will we ever be
    Will we ever be
    Will we ever be

    Will we ever be
    Will we ever be
    Will we ever be
    Will we ever be
    Will we ever be
    Will we ever be
    Will we ever be

  • What Can I Do – lyrics

    What can I do to make you happy
    What can I do to ease your pain
    How can I ease the pain you feel
    How can I help you fly again

    Oh it hurts to see you this way
    Lacking in joy and full of pain
    Seeing the spark go out of your eye
    Watching you hurting watching you cry

    I can’t understand why he’d hurt you this way
    Breaking your spirit turning it grey

    What can I do to make you happy
    What can I do to ease your pain
    How can I ease the pain you feel
    How can I help you fly again
    I’ll always be there for you for whatever you need
    Always to help and not to impede
    You know that I’m there for you however I can
    Anything you want though I’m not your man

    I can’t understand why he’d hurt you this way
    Breaking your spirit turning it grey

    What can I do to make you happy
    What can I do to ease your pain
    How can I ease the pain you feel
    How can I help you fly again
    I can’t understand why he’d hurt you this way
    Breaking your spirit turning it grey

    What can I do to make you happy
    What can I do to ease your pain
    How can I ease the pain you feel
    How can I help you fly again
    What can I do  ohhh
    What can I do yeah

  • So Fast – lyrics

    Oh so quickly things have changed
    From love to nothing in two weeks

    How can things change so fast
    To put our love into the past

    Is it just you meeting someone new
    Someone who is much more exciting than me

    How can things change so fast
    To put our love into the past

    Did you ever really love me
    Or was I just someone to pass the time with

    How can things change so fast
    To put our love into the past

  • Separated – lyrics

    Separated by distance and circumstance
    Kept apart from you
    Separated by distance and circumstance
    Stopped from doing all that I’d like to do

    I hate knowing you’re so sad
    Not being able to help you feels so bad

    Separated by distance and circumstance
    Kept apart from you
    Separated by distance and circumstance
    Stopped from doing all that I’d like to do

    You know the way I feel about you
    But I know there’s little I can do

    If it was just one or the other
    It may not keep us apart
    But being both it stops
    Me sharing with you my heart

    Separated separated from you
    Separated separated from you

    Separated by distance and circumstance
    Kept apart from you
    Separated by distance and circumstance
    Stopped from doing all that I’d like to do


  • Not The Way It’s Gonna Be – lyrics

    Talking to you tonight it hit me
    What I should have known all along
    I thought that you might have grown to love me
    But now I see that I got it wrong

    Oh I wish that it was true
    That I was meant to be with you
    But now it’s obvious to me
    That’s not the way it’s gonna be

    All of this time I’ve been so blind
    It was all only in my mind
    I thought you might be meant for me
    But now it’s plain that’s not to be

    Oh I wish that it was true
    That I was meant to be with you
    But now it’s obvious to me
    That’s not the way it’s gonna be

    Baby, baby don’t you want me
    But hold me tightly in my dreams
    Baby, baby, lie to me
    Tell me sweet nothings in my ear

    Now I see that you don’t want me
    Now I know that you don’t care
    I thought we might be good together
    But for you there’s nothing there

    Oh I wish that it was true
    That I was meant to be with you
    But now it’s obvious to me
    That’s not the way it’s gonna be

  • Move On – lyrics

    Now you’ve gone away from me
    Now I’m alone again
    With my heart in a million pieces
    With no self-esteem at all
    No hope for the future
    And filled with despair

    I’ve got to believe I will find love again
    Even if I don’t know how even though I don’t know when
    I’ve got to move on with my life I’ve got to try and find the way
    To accept me as I am to enjoy each brand new day

    So I’ll move on with my life
    And keep looking for some hope
    Find the good inside of me
    Look for the possibilities
    Clear the emptiness away
    Give myself a brand new start

    I’ve got to believe I will find love again
    Even if I don’t know how even though I don’t know when
    I’ve got to move on with my life I’ve got to try and find the way
    To accept me as I am to enjoy each brand new day

    I’ve got to believe I will find love again
    Even if I don’t know how even though I don’t know when
    I’ve got to move on with my life I’ve got to try and find the way
    To accept me as I am to enjoy each brand new day

  • Loneliness – lyrics

    no self belief
    little self love

    what I need
    to find in myself
    is the ability
    to be truly 
    happy alone

    what I need
    what I want
    who I am
    who I’ll become

    what I want
    what I need
    who I am
    who I’ll become
    how do I find 
    peace with myself

    what I need
    who I am
    what I want
    where should I be
    who should I be
    where do I go from here

    who I am
    who I’ll become
    what I want
    what I need
    I need to find
    peace with myself

    what I need
    to find in myself
    is the ability
    to be truly 
    happy alone

    all of the good things in my life
    all of the wonderful things
    surely outweigh the bad
    help me pass through this
    help me enjoy life again

    what I need
    to find in myself
    is the ability
    to be truly 
    happy alone

    what I want
    what I need
    who I am
    who I’ll become
    how do I find
    peace with myself

  • How Long – lyrics

    It hurts that you’re leaving
    It hurts that we’re through
    It hurts that you dropped me
    For somebody new

    How long until time heals the pain
    And I can start to love myself again

    I know that it’s my fault
    But there’s nothing I can do
    I can’t become social
    I can’t make myself anew

    How long until time heals the pain
    And I can start to love myself again

    I wish I didn’t hate myself
    I wish I could be
    More attractive more social
    More talkative more confident

    So it’s time to learn to love myself
    And keep the hate at bay
    Time to enjoy my own company
    Somehow I need to find the way

    How long until time heals the pain
    And I can start to love myself again
    How long until time heals the pain
    And I can start to love myself again

  • Heart Broken – lyrics

    My heart ripped apart
    That part gone for good
    Time to let it heal
    And make a new start

    Another person no longer loves me
    Yet another relationship ended
    How many times can a heart be broken
    Before it can no longer be mended

    A scar left behind
    Never fully healed
    Joins many more in
    My heart and my mind

    Another person no longer loves me
    Yet another relationship ended
    How many times can a heart be broken
    Before it can no longer be mended

    Now time to move on
    And hope that the scars
    Won’t shut down my heart
    That love isn’t gone

    Another person no longer loves me
    Yet another relationship ended
    How many times can a heart be broken
    Before it can no longer be mended

  • Gone – lyrics

    I thought that we had something special together
    I thought that what we had would last forever

    I don’t know where to go since you’ve gone
    I don’t know how to go on

    But then you went away and left me all alone
    And what we had together was all gone

    I don’t know where to go since you’ve gone
    I don’t know how to go on

    And now everything turns to grey
    As I pass each lonely day

    I don’t know where to go since you’ve gone
    I don’t know how to go on

    Will I ever find someone as special as you
    Could I ever feel the same with someone new

    I don’t know where to go since you’ve gone
    I don’t know how to go on

  • Glimpse of Heaven – lyrics

    Just a glimpse of heaven
    Before it’s ripped away
    I wish I could retrieve it
    But I can’t see the way

    In no time at all you grabbed my heart
    You are stuck in my mind

    Just a glimpse of heaven
    Before it’s ripped away
    I wish I could retrieve it
    But I can’t see the way

    Such a strong connection
    But still you can’t be mine

    Just a glimpse of heaven
    Before it’s ripped away
    I wish I could retrieve it
    But I can’t see the way

    Maybe some time I’ll find the way
    Until then it remains

    Just a glimpse of heaven
    Before it’s ripped away
    I wish I could retrieve it
    But I can’t see the way

  • Dance With Me – lyrics

    We are walking through streets of rain
    We are battling those walls of pain

    Will you come dance with me
    Like we used to do
    Oh will you please lay with me
    Like we weren’t through

    How could we drift so far apart
    And still reach through to break each other’s heart

    Will you come dance with me
    Like we used to do
    Oh will you please lay with me
    Like we weren’t through

    I still want you
    After all that we’ve been through
    I still love you
    I just wish you loved me too

    Will you come dance with me
    Like we used to do
    Oh will you please lay with me
    Like we weren’t through

    But we keep walking those streets of pain
    Will we ever find our love again

    Will you come dance with me
    Like we used to do
    Oh will you please lay with me
    Like we weren’t through

    Like you still loved me
    Like you still cared
    Like you still wanted me
    And the things we shared

  • All I Wanted – lyrics

    All I wanted was to love you
    But you’re gone now and I’m alone

    I know that I could not offer much that you needed
    But you came in and gave me hope for love in this world
    You came and gave me your magic and rekindled my dreams
    But I should have never believed it should never have given my heart

    And now the dream’s gone a nightmare left in place
    You have your freedom girl yes you have your space

    So now I’m lost and lonely left with no hope at all
    Waiting for time to heal so I can make a new start
    A start towards being able to accept myself as I am
    To pick up the pieces and to rebuild my self-esteem

    And now the dream’s gone a nightmare left in place
    You have your freedom girl yes you have your space

    All I wanted was to love you
    But you’re gone now and I’m alone

    I think that I may be destined to be alone
    That the love I can give will never quite be enough
    So I’ll bury the hurt and try to enjoy my own company
    And try and accept that maybe nobody wants my love

    And now the dream’s gone a nightmare left in place
    You have your freedom girl yes you have your space

    You have your space girl
    And I’m alone girl
    You have your space girl
    And I’m alone girl

    All I wanted was to love you
    But you’re gone now and I’m alone