What if You’re Wrong – lyrics

Lyrics for What if you’re wrong by Andrew Charman-Williams that are currently unused. They may or may not form the basis of a song at some point.


(Verse 1)
In the quiet of the night, with stars up in the sky,
I’m pondering the mysteries, the questions in my mind,
What if the path I’ve taken, isn’t leading me back home?
What if the truth I’ve known is just a tale I’ve always known?

Oh, what if you’re wrong and I am right?
What if we’re both lost in this moonlit light?
We chase our dreams, like birds in flight,
But what if you’re wrong, and I am right?

(Verse 2)
Through fields of wildflowers, we danced without a care,
Your laughter was a melody that hung upon the air,
But the shadows of uncertainty now cloud my restless heart,
What if the love we built on dreams is bound to fall apart?

Oh, what if you’re wrong and I am right?
What if we’re both lost in this moonlit light?
We chase our dreams, like birds in flight,
But what if you’re wrong, and I am right?

Can we find common ground, where our souls align?
Or are we destined to forever question, to forever wonder why?

(Verse 3)
The wind carries our whispers as we speak of what’s to come,
We’re drifting on the ocean, unsure of what we’ve become,
But in this tangled mess of doubts, we find our hearts entwined,
A glimmer of hope amidst the fear, a chance to heal, to realign.

Oh, what if you’re wrong and I am right?
What if we’re both lost in this moonlit light?
We chase our dreams, like birds in flight,
But what if you’re wrong, and I am right?

In the embrace of the night, we’ll find our way,
Hand in hand, we’ll face the dawn of a brand new day,
For in the end, it’s not about who’s right or who’s wrong,
But the love we share that keeps us strong.