
A selection of songs and instrumentals by Andrew Charman-Williams or as Spiral Net. Spiral Net produces mainly electronic music either instrumental or with virtual or computer generated vocals while songs and instrumentals using my voice and/or real instruments are normally under my name..

As well as many of them (except for cover songs) being available here, music videos of Andrew Charman-Williams are available at and for Spiral Net or a selection including Andrew Charman-Williams and Spiral Net on Facebook.

Audio is available at and for Spiral Net. A smaller range is available on SoundCloud under each artist’s name.

The full selection will appear below but to narrow the selection down the following categories can be used though at the moment there is a lot of doubling up so the same content may show in multiple places..

Songs either by Andrew Charman-Williams or Spiral Net
Instrumentals either by Andrew Charman-Williams or Spiral Net
Spiral Net music
Lyrics which includes most of the songs from above as well as lyrics where no recordings have been provided or that are unused