Walking Not Running lyrics

Version 1

Walking, not running,
Through the tapestry of twilight hues,
Where shadows dance on the edge of day,
And the world breathes in a quiet sigh.

No hurried pace, no frantic steps,
Just the rhythm of a heart at ease,
In sync with the whispers of the wind,
A gentle cadence, a slow release.

The path unfolds beneath my feet,
A mosaic of earth and fallen leaves,
Each step a story etched in the soil,
Tales of journeys, both near and far.

The sun, a fading ember in the sky,
Paints the horizon in strokes of amber and gold,
A masterpiece of the closing day,
A palette of dreams, untold.

I tread upon the canvas of nature,
Feeling the earth beneath my soles,
Connected to the pulse of the land,
In this moment, where time strolls.

Not a race against the hands of the clock,
But a communion with the silence,
Where the rustle of leaves and the song of birds,
Compose a symphony of tranquil compliance.

A mindful saunter through the sacred,
A meditation in the art of being,
In the slowing down, I find the essence,
Of a journey that transcends mere seeing.

So, I walk, not run,
Along the path of quiet contemplation,
Embracing the serenity of each step,
In the hush of the world’s meditation.

Version 2

(Verse 1)
Walking, not running,
In the twilight’s gentle glow,
Where shadows waltz on the horizon,
And the world breathes soft and slow.

No hurried pace, no frantic steps,
Just the rhythm of a heart at ease,
In tune with the whispers of the breeze,
A melody of tranquility, a sweet release.

I tread upon the canvas of nature,
Feeling the earth beneath my soles,
Connected to the pulse of the land,
In this moment, where time strolls.

(Verse 2)
The sun, a fading ember in the sky,
Paints the evening in hues untold,
A masterpiece of the closing day,
A palette of dreams, a story to unfold.

Each step, a tale etched in the soil,
A journey written in the falling leaves,
I walk the path of quiet reverie,
Where the heart finds solace, believes.

I tread upon the canvas of nature,
Feeling the earth beneath my soles,
Connected to the pulse of the land,
In this moment, where time strolls.

Not a race against the hands of the clock,
But a communion with the silence,
Where the rustle of leaves and the song of birds,
Compose a symphony of tranquil compliance.

(Verse 3)
A mindful saunter through the sacred,
A meditation in the art of being,
In the slowing down, I find the essence,
Of a journey that transcends mere seeing.

I tread upon the canvas of nature,
Feeling the earth beneath my soles,
Connected to the pulse of the land,
In this moment, where time strolls.

So, I walk, not run,
Along the path of quiet contemplation,
Embracing the serenity of each step,
In the hush of the world’s meditation.

Version 3

Walking, not running, through the quiet streets,
Where echoes of footsteps blend with the heartbeat.
Underneath the city lights, a nocturnal ballet,
In the moonlit shadows, I find my own way.

No rush, no race against the ticking hands,
Just a stroll through a world where time expands.
Street lamps flicker, casting a gentle glow,
As I weave through the city, letting thoughts flow.

The pavement beneath, a textured story unfolds,
Each crack and cobblestone, tales of lives it holds.
I’m a wanderer in the urban twilight,
A poet in the symphony of the city’s night.

Neon signs whisper secrets in electric hues,
As I navigate the city’s labyrinth, wearing midnight shoes.
A steady rhythm of footsteps on the pavement,
In the stillness of the night, a silent engagement.

Walking, not running, through the city’s embrace,
Discovering beauty in each forgotten space.
A slow dance with the urban serenade,
In the quietude, my worries begin to fade.

Gentle winds carry fragments of distant sounds,
As I stroll through the quiet streets, unbound.
Reflections in windows, a transient mirage,
In this nocturnal reverie, I’m the sole voyage.

The city sleeps, but my steps are wide awake,
In the hushed alleys, dreams and reality intertwine.
Walking, not running, through the city’s heart,
A nocturnal explorer, making art from the sublime.

Version 4

Walking, not running,
Beneath the silvered veil of night,
Where the moon whispers secrets,
And stars paint the canvas of quiet delight.

No hurried strides, no racing beats,
Just the cadence of a thoughtful gait,
In step with the nocturnal symphony,
A melody that transcends the hour late.

The world, a silent observer,
As shadows play on the moonlit ground,
A ballet of contrasts, light and dark,
In the stillness, a tranquility profound.

Step by step, the journey unfolds,
A pilgrimage under the celestial dome,
Each footfall a note in the cosmic score,
A serenade to the universe, a quiet poem.

Through realms where time takes a pause,
And the night sky cradles the wandering soul,
I walk, not run, in the hallowed quiet,
A voyage where introspection takes control.

No destination set in stone,
Just the path of quiet exploration,
As the night embraces with open arms,
A sanctuary found in the art of contemplation.

Walking, not running,
In the hush of midnight’s embrace,
Where the world sleeps, and dreams unfurl,
I find solace in the unhurried pace.